Spring and things
Sorry, just realised my last post was last Saturday ^^; Just been a little too busy and quite overwhelmed, recently found out that my team got into finals for blythe beauty contest 2009, and many more things to do/plan from there still! ^^;/
This year is my 5th spring in Canada :D I dare say it is one of my favourite seasons, despite the hayfever and sinus headaches it causes husband and I ^^;
These cherryblossom pictures are taken on my way to work at the shop. This year we seem to keep missing the good weather on weekends ^^;
Waiting for bus…
Love being able to see the skies like this :) but there’s plenty of high rises coming up these days =_=;
It’s nice to see tulips popping out as the weather gets more pleasant :D
Very nice not to freeze butt off when hanging outside ^^;
Furry kids are living the high life now apparently lol naps in afternoon… Below is Yoshi, who is looking more like a cat now :3
Awwww sleepy Ginko :)
Adorable paws!
Yoshi looks small in the basket ^^; Meowmeow filled it up way more ^^;
A work in progress for you know who ^^;
Today was nice, unfortunately husband was not feeling too well so we just ran some errands and head straight home despite the goregous weather ^^;
One of the places we dropped by after a quick lunch :9 We over ate despite eating a bit later than normal ^^; So was feeling gross lol
Oh food pix a head! lol We tried a Vietnamese place we haven’t been to before :) It used to be a Bubble tea place, but they changed hands. It was rather quiet when we went tho, so we had the whole restraurant to ourselves ^^;
After we ordered, food came rather quickly :9
Spring rolls were really good! Crispy on outside, juicy inside, and freshly fried ^^; I loved the cucmber slices and the slightly dressed shredded cabbage ^^
I ordered this, but I’m actually not sure if I like it as much as the spring rolls lol!
Husband’s order :3 yum!
Hope all of you had a nice weekend :P Man I’m tired ^^; should go to bed soon ^^;/
OOh what your husband ordered is what we usually order at our local Pho place. Good stuff! Good enough to recommend the place? Even though it’s really quiet? ^^;
Ahhh….Those pictures make me feel all warm inside.Im glad that its getting warm and shunshiny now.enough of that rainy weather
aww.. sleepy heads :3 Spring does make you feel refreshed. Food looks tasty hmm now I’m hungry!
Ohhh so yummy… I miss real home-cooked Chinese food T_T hehe, if you don’t like your noodle bowl I’ll gladly take them!
Nom nom nom, the food looks great!
And nice photos of the flowers. Also took a ton of such photos and will be posting my photos today probably ^_^
@lightningsabre I think the restaurant probably only changed hands quite recent so maybe people dunno that it exists? I only found out from a blog called eatnabout.wordpress.com not long ago lol
@Blowfish awww too much rain is depressing alright =_=
@chibinezumi hehe! find something to nom!
@Ayu hehe it’s actually vietnamese :9~~~
@Michael Flux huhu I want some spring rolls again ^^;;; I’ll go check em out! :D:D thanks for heads up!
Oh forgot to say… Happy 5th Spring Anniversary! Me should check out that site too.
Those pics look comfy… it’s either sudden rain or sauna here>,<
aww~ your cats are so ADORABLE! :D
Nice weather! I hear that Canadian spring weather feels like winter. Pho taste the best after drinking / hangover. ^^
@lightningsabre thanks! heheh
@aprilius20 Awww sorry to hear ^^; too much rain is just blah~
@suki.luna thank you!
@rangerroh oh! canadian spring is alright, I love it when the flowers comes out :)! Pho is good on a cold evening lol!