Many days in random photos

It feels like I have been neglecting my blog for a bit, sorry about that! I was looking back in my photos folder and realised I have some photos backlogged ^^; so gonna share some today :)

Below is princess Ginko taking a nap :P photo taken by my husband I think!

Yoshi doing some work for my husband ^^;

It warmed up slightly one week and we had this amazing sight o_o sorry for the poor quality, camera zoomed to the max ^^;

celebrating a birthday (Not ours)

More little critters being set free gradually from our move ^^; Noticed that the book covers are kinda damaged ^^;

Mountains peeking from under the clouds ^^;

I’ll err end off with a photo of health food, cos we were in a hurry and it’s the only place close to where we were running errands ^^;

15 replies
  1. radiant
    radiant says:

    bada ba ba ba~ I’m lovin’ it! One thing I truly do miss about Singapore is McDonald’s curry sauce. Makes chicken mcnuggets taste so good!

    Love the flock of birds! Very nice shots!

  2. chun
    chun says:

    LOL we actually hardly eat bada bababa :P just on rare occassions ^^; and omg you din bring any back? ;P Hope to take better pix of those birds in future ^^

  3. chun
    chun says:

    actually I think maybe some parts are the same, like fries, but I think the nuggets are white meat here, and some of the sauces are different :) Example we don have the delicious curry sauce here! Send some to me!!! LOL

  4. kmyk
    kmyk says:

    you can get curry sauce for your nuggets?! where? o_O

    I haven’t had MickieDs for awhile now. We had too much before and I put a ban on it until the end of the year.

  5. chun
    chun says:

    I think the BBQ sauce here taste different from those in SG ^^; I’m not sure where the cat’s from unfortunately, I just bought it cos it looked so cute :P

  6. chun
    chun says:

    In Singapore! :P I haven’t had it in the longest time as I couldn’t take spicy stuff, but when I tried it before it was so good lol! Good that you put a ban on it ^^;

  7. chibinezumi
    chibinezumi says:

    I see that critter has been nibbling book corners! that innocent face is not fooling anyone! pampered princess :3 and yoshi’s look is so cute! He must be checking out lolcats on the monitor!

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