
Random stuff :)

1 and a half rainbow! :D

Moar cheeky Chickadees :3

George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary

On a cold winter afternoon after our Japanese class, my husband decided to take us to George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, see his take on the trip here. Jade came along with us as well and exercised her extraordinary animal photography skills :3

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Bird watch continues…

So the bird watch continues, I try not to be by the window too much so as not to scare the birds off ^^; There’s actually other types of birds which comes by but they tend to fly off way faster than Chickadees…

I think the bird on the lower branch could be a white crowned sparrow…

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Chickadee stalking close up

Chickadee: Hmmm what do we have here?

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Cheeky Chickadees

Photos in this post are taken on different days, after we got some seeds and bird feeder and I did some home work on the internet to see how to attract these guys…  Currently our main downfall is that our cats Ginko and Yoshi are a bit too interested whenever they spy the Chickadee(s) checking out the seeds I scattered around as “advertisement”~! XD

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Feral bunny stalking 2

My husband had to go get his car serviced which was why we went back again, it was a cold cloudy afternoon, slightly drizzling and he talked about seeing fist sized bunnies… we saw this one and I had to try to go approach it!

Please visit: / for more information.

And also if you intend to adopt a rabbit or any other animal as a pet, before you commit, do more research and be a responsible pet owner!  A pet is a life too and often they become family in the long run!

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Feral bunny stalking

At the Richmond Auto Mall, during certain seasons, feral bunnies can be sighted, and while they are cute, it is rather sad to know that they probably had been bunnies who were let loose into the wild to fend for themselves, or offsprings of “unwanted” bunnies :/

People should really be aware that owning a bunny, or any pets is a big responsibility, before buying one without thinking.  Do your home work, adopt from a shelter if you can. has some bunny related information. (Link found from

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I biked out on Strida Mini to run an errand yesterday, but the star of the show is ducklings!

(click on the pictures to view larger images!)

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Ducklings spotting

This is a back dated post since they were taken with the iphone on the 19th May, I forgot to upload them together with the other duckling post ^^;

It happened on a sunny Saturday, when we were about to reach home and found that traffic slowed to a crawl, by a mama duck and a dozen ducklings crossing the road! :D

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Strida Mini grocery run

I needed to buy some small bits and bobs and yesterday it wasn’t rainy, so I made a grocery run on Strida Mini into Steveston Village :)

I could have picked a nicer photo for the top feature but I felt that this photo is quite interesting, I feel that it makes Strida Mini look smaller than it is!

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