Mirai Yukino chan! Happy 2009!
This is a semi test post! Haven’t been able to update my blog for a little bit due to some weird bug ^^;, mucked around a bit and I hope it’s working nao (fingers crossed). Like I mentioned before, I am very pleased to managed to get a special arrival before the new year, her name is Mirai Yukino! ^O^ She is a Dollfie Dream :)
For moar pix clickie here ^^/!
What was I doing on New Year eve? Preparing a feast food! :P I got some help here and there and hubs cleaned up most of it (with some help from me of course), so I really shouldn’t complain, we also have some left over to help us tide over the ridiculous amount of snow we been getting…
(We’re kinda trapped at home again! =_=;)
Party animals! lol Jessie (the Sheltie) belongs to my bro in law ^^ I take Uchi out to meet her sometimes (under supervision of course!)
Hope your 2009 is going great so far! :)
Hehe the picture of the pets are so cute. And Yukino looks good too.
I love the expression of the dog.Looks like he doesnt know what to do with that hamster(?)
Panther ^^ thanks!
Blowfish hehe the doggie is a girl :3 she’s unsure if she’ll get in trouble if she try to play with hamster ^^;
Dolfie doll is cute!
Jessie does have a “can we play together?” look. ^^ Your New Year’s food looks delicious! All the fruit would make me happy! ^o^ Mirai looks cute in her new outfit.
phossil thank you! Glad you think so ^O^
Edward *grin* you probably got her look right! lol! Fruits are yummers ^^! can’t go wrong with em :3 Glad you like her outfit :3!
Love your new doll ^^
I am planing on buying doll for me, but with all these many and many dolls on the web @_@ I can’t decide yet which one to buy.
Hope you have fun with her ^^
and Happy New Year to you dear ^^ hope all your whishes will come true this year.
kholood thank you! :D but yes many dolls around ^^; can be difficult to decide :O Good luck finding the right one ^O^! Happy new year!