Activities and food :P
I dug out the clover seeds given to me years back (the seeds supposedly expired but they still work ^^; ) I have a black thumb… so I hope these guys make it :P
The next 4 photos of the clover seedlings are taken using the LX3, in P mode, with manual focus setting! It was quite awesome :P
Adorable Jessie girl <3!!!
Okay ready for evil food pix? You been warned!
I wasn’t intending to have another crepe but the night before I saw some very evil and tempting dessert photos from my husband who was in HK at the time… and got my excuse to eat one :P
Had company one evening and they took me to eat Vera’s burger :3
The decor is a bit different from what I remember :P It has a more “fast food” chain feel now?
I tried the turkey burger, lots of flavor — well marinated patty ^^ Fresh fries are fresh XP I shouldn’t have had the whole burger tho ^^; was so full that evening, I couldn’t sleep XP
Husband back nao! :P We went to Torarenbo (last minute decision :P) for sushi after going to pick something up.
House roll
Random: If you ever see this person on this weird looking bike on the streets, try to get out of her way, cos she may run over you ^^;
lol! What’s with the girl in the last pic?? Is that you? ;)
Yum yum, sushi lookss so good, but i can’t eat raw food :D
Lol all the pix showing my face, I looked goofy or deranged… So a side view faceless photo XD it’s wierd I can’t eat raw fish in Asia but ok in general in Vancouver, it’s almost like my tummy has a bar for sushi tolerance^^;