George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary
On a cold winter afternoon after our Japanese class, my husband decided to take us to George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, see his take on the trip here. Jade came along with us as well and exercised her extraordinary animal photography skills :3
When we arrived, we were greeted by not just the cold, but there was a lot of ducks everywhere! There are also bird feeders around and we see some smaller birds taking advantage of it. Here we have a handsome black capped chickadee taking a short break and posing for the camera.
At the entrance, they sell bags of bird feed for $1 cad each, and the ducks are very experienced, some of them actually flew towards us very quickly thinking we had food for them!
It was hilarious to watch :P At the same time we felt bad as we actually didn’t get any bird feed this time around ^^;
Below is a Sandhill Crane, Jade shot a really awesome close up shot of one of them.
After walking around we saw four more of these guys around…
There were a few people around, taking photos as well :) I wonder if they got some good shots too?
Wonder what this guy has in his mouth ^^;
Why so serious?!
Bird house for rent? lol
Other variety of ducks…
Frozen lake o_o
Another cute duckie ^^ This place is probably a lot more crowded with people during the warmer seasons!
It was so cold, that our face and fingers felt frost bitten ^^; Frost on the grass…
Brrr! It looks cold ^^;
After that we went to get a hot drink :P It was a pretty awesome experience :) Hope to go back again on a nicer day ^o^
Looks delicious!
Looks like a nice trip to observe and photograph the birds, some nice shots in there. ^^
It was so so cold! Near the end of the trip we were ready to head somewhere warm for hot chocolate or something LOL