Otacool mascot submission

Want to create the official Otacool mascot character and get a chance to work with Kotobukiya? Or if you’re a cosplayer and want to be featured in the book… check this out! :D

Click image below for full view ^^/

The initial sketches before colouring ^^/ to see more information about these set of sketches,  you can check out my first entry at figure.fm ^^ If I get more ideas I will probably submit again ^^;

Doll related, recently the dollfie dream gang was featured on Sumika Times blog :D

20 replies
  1. chun
    chun says:

    you has green hair blue eyes, wear cropped shirt, and hot shorts? ^^;;;;;;;; and… and… LOLOL not that I remember leh :P

  2. Joey Lou
    Joey Lou says:


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