Tokyo Trip – Food part 1
So, as promised here is the food post ^^; Went thru almost every day’s worth of food pictures, making sure they’re not too blurry etc, took a little while. I am home feeling kinda sick (it’s on and off =_=) I might as well do something with the photos before I get busy with work again. There’s about 80-ish photos, which I will split in 2 entries.
1) Below is Mochi cream, a yummy dessert which we bought frozen at the Airport to eat on flight. They defrost in about 2 hours and are ready for consumption. You can buy dry ice to keep it frozen a little longer and they usually keep for about a day for maxium freshness and taste.
On a slightly non food related note, while in Japan, meeting Danny had inspired my husband quite a bit to really get kick started on his own blog :D I suspect there may be a few possible repeat photos here and there, but most of the photos are from his DSLR and has a slightly different insight compared to me, so please do go check out his blog! Domo arigato~ :)
2) We reached Japan in the afternoon, but by the time we got to the hotel in Otsuka, it was almost time for dinner. Checked in and then headed out to explore our area a bit, and look for nomnoms (food). Finally decided on this cozy little restaurant called Olive Village. :) We were lucky one of the waitresses spoke English :P
3) Weather was rather warm and humid when we first set food on Tokyo grounds, but in the evening there was a breeze (much welcomed) but a cold drink in an air-conditioned restuarant was even more welcomed ^^;
4) Husband’s order, I recalled him telling me the beef was very chewy lol, his dish includes a japanese style burger patty with gravy, potato wedges and corn other than the pieces of beef.
5) I ordered what appears to be Tonkatsudon with a small burger patty+ gravy, some shredded cabbage and potato wedges. The gravy was very good :) they both came with a plate of rice, which is very tasty as well ^^
6) This was probably lunch for next day, we decided to go hunt for the delicious Rakuya shop in Ikebukuro to relive the curry ^o^ Ladies get a side for free, I chose potato salad ^^;
7) Husband’s side dish while waiting for our main course (LOL)
8) Husband had curry with tonkatsu ^o^
9) I had croquette + curry don, the curry which came with this dish actually have pork bits in it! One of the reasons why we try to come back :P
10) Met up with someone on a rainy afternoon/evening, and hung out for dinner (ahem)
13) This was dinner on the next day (lunch was possibly a bit medicore or maybe the photo quality was lol) Below is a cold side of pasta with what seems like dried shrimps.
14) I think it was deep fried potato + mochi
17) Chicken skewers (yakitori)
18) Meat skewers (wild guess=Yakiniku?)
20) Refresher of where it was ^^ it was on the 8th floor, in Shinjuku area ^^;
21) Mmmmmmosburger time~ I miss Mosburger so much since we don’t have it in Canada ^^; Didn’t realise how spoilt I was when we can get Mosburger in Singapore ^^; Melon soda doesn’t taste like what I remembered tho :P It tasted a bit like cough syrup ^^;
22) Husband had the special burger where the patty has a hole in the middle… to hold extra sauce? (No idea lol) Husband said it was good tho :P
23) I had either croquette burger or chicken burger ^^; No meat in it :P
24) The napkin holder introduced the burger which my husband tried ^^
25) We shared a bento for dinner later that afternoon before going for the Blythe Beauty Contest private party ^^;
26) Purchased it from one of the Mall food court as a take out ^^ usually an hour before closing time, many of the perishable food items would be discounted ^^ A good time to grab a late dinner if you’re on a tight budget :P
27) Shared a delicious dessert from TAKANO stand at the food court, I think it was almond tofu with assorted bits and bobs, and red bean paste underneath ^^
28) After the private party we joined a bunch of doll related friends for a late snack (we didn’t eat much as was still somewhat full ^^;) but food was pretty interesting :) Unfortunately I don’t have a good photo of the place itself, which is called Elephant Cafe (in Harajuku) I actually tried a piece of the chicken cartilage Danny talked about on his blog before lol. Verdict? Crunchy and salty :P
29) Spinage salad, onions and sliced garlic bits on top ^^;
30) Fancy lookin dessert ^o^
31) Cafe Oval :) Hung out with some dolly friends after Mitsubachi’s exhibition ^o^ and we were treated a cute little donut cake ^o^! (Gochisousama~)
32) Visited a friend at their place and they kindly whipped out this beautiful sushi plate o_o Unfortunately me and raw fish doesn’t agree well in asia for some reason so I had to pass, but I took a photo because it’s just so pretty ^o^!
33) They made Okonomiyaki home style for us :D Delicious!
34) Next day we went to Akihabara, and had food at Yodobashi-Akiba ^o^ Decisions decisions…
35) Chabuton: a great choice by my husband :P It was one of the shops which we buy a ticket for the items we want and be seated for our food ^^
36) Bite size Gyoza ^o^ Yum~
37) Cold noodles with 2 slices of dried seaweed :9~ the noodles are to be dipped in a warm broth containing meat and seasonings ^^
38) Another shot as it was soooooooo good ^^;
39) Husband decided on ramen which I tried a bit of, it was yummy I like the noodle’s texture ^^
40) I guess my husband felt that good Ramen is hard to find in Vancouver so he kept eating it lol! He tried Ramen with thick soup ^^; This Ramen place is in Harajuku ^^/
Heard from our friend who brought us there, that it’s very high in calories :P
Man making this post makes me so hungry ^^;;;; And I am having a late dinner tonite! lol Part 2 to come! :3
Ok I really need dinner after reading your post lol.
7) Your husband has a good taste in side dish ;p
19) What does it taste like ? I really want to try that for so long just because it’s Saber’s favourite food.
23) I gotta try Moss burget when I go to Japan.
27) I literally loled at “assorted bits and bobs”. That desert looks delicious. I really love that kind of desert.
30) Oh my gosh, I am drooling all over that desert.
32) You can’t eat rawfish in Asia ?
Ahhh… all the food looks so good! Great shots XD I am sad I went to Japan before I really got into food… twice, even! Thanks for sharing the photos.
My stomach was seriously growling when I was making the entry ^^;
7) LOL
19) Oh it’s delicious! The outside is crispy inside is soft and warm ^^ and the sauce is lightly salty :3
23) yes please do! One problem many guys complain about mosburger is that the portion is too small lol!
27) I read boobs when you wrote it ^^; It was yummy the almond tofu texture was simply divine!
30) XD
32) They tend to make me run to the toilet ^^;;; Actually even back here in Canada raw stuff make me do the same ^^;
Ahhhh I should link to your site lol! Mmmmmm food pr0nnnn lol!
I will eat it all!
Including bit and boobs of you hub’s sidedish
omnomnom nom nom nom
will have to try those moshi cream things; colorful boobies.
Cool site that you got there and even cooler when you also live in Toronto
23) yah I can see that the portion is small -_-;;. Not enough for someone with a big appetite like me ^^;;
32) I guess your stomach cannot handle raw food >.<. Kinda sucks that you cannot enjoy most sushi and sashimi.
ah, this is good reference for my trip! thx chun!
my foodie sense’s tingling! :3
for me, I try to avoid raw fish because I don’t really like the fishy taste. Raw salmon is fine though.
train ur stomach by eating more raw fish! (not really recommended though) lol!
Wow and this is just part 1?? Dessert #30 looks so damn intricate! What is that thing that’s standing and how much was it?
My desk is naw sticky with all my drooling^^;;
LOL U and your boobies ^^;
oh if the fish is very very fresh it won’t have the “fishy” taste ^o^ And I really can’t =_= I had bombed at least 2 toilets in restaurants before due to having raw fish by accident :P (example in maki sushi or salads ^^;) :P
yes ^^; just part 1 ^^;;;;;;;;; I don’t dare to look at the pix again in case I feel hungry again =_=;/ and I think it’s some kinda sugar which has been caramelized and re-set to harden in the final shape ^^ I think the dessert is less than 1000 yen, cannot remember exact price tho ^^;
*pass you the tissue box XD*
Will do, I’ll send you an email.
So many food pics! ;__;
I need to try okonomiyaki again. The first time I had it, I had a bad experience T__T It tasted all…weird and funky. I don’t know. I’ll have to give it another try.
Those desserts, however… *w*
look at all those food, just taunting me! arghhh
really, i have seen so many of your food pics that i am totally immune to your attempts to getting me to drool.
oh yes, no amount of food posts you put up will ever faze me now. take that!
oh who am i kidding, i am drooling a river now….
I must go get me some breakfast now.. (oatmeal)-_-;
Sweet Leapin Jeezbus… *bookmarks
^^;;; food overload neh? ^^; What was the bad experience? Was it from whatever they put in the okonomiyaki? :o I think I didn’t have enough japanese desserts there lol!
huuuuuhuuuhuuuuu *evil laugh :P* *mops the floor* ^^;;;;
mmmmmm I want some cereal nao ^^;
I think it was the toppings. Fish flake overload T____T
Ahh so much delicious food! I didn’t even try out a quarter of all the food you had when I went there a few years back><;;
Guh~ 腹減った:3
more Japanese foods that I need to try, there’s no pork in there right? cause every muslims are forbidden to eat it. ^^
yummy~! i can’t wait to go to japan again. looking @ all this food makes me wanna book my flight now. :D~ we usually stay in ikebukuro and sunshine city’s food court on the 3rd floor has some awesome restaurants. there’s one with an egg character in front. it’s the best meaty curry with croquette i tried so far. i had to go back a second time on the same trip to eat it. hehe.. also, did u try monjayaki? i like it more than okonomiyaki now :X there’s also a really yummy ramen restaurant with piggy drawings in one of the side streets. the soup tasted like there’s 10 pigs in it. so porky… :D~~ < lots of drool.
23) more for girls portion maybe XP
32) yah ^^; I used to be able to a bit, but now it’s just too much for me to stomach ^^;
If I were there on my own I wouldn’t go so fancy really ^^; but sometimes hang out with friends = eating better ^^;
oh some of them do have pork ^^;/ Ton= pig ^^; Tonkatsu (fried porkchop) etc ^^;/
lol my husband wanted to just book another flight back even last week :P (which is a little bit not possible at the moment unfortunately ^^;) I love Ikebukuro! lol thanks for the recommendation! I may have tried monjayaki once but I think I like okonomiyaki better as I can usually see the ingredients lol! and wow 10 pigs LOL!
yummy! what was the most expensive thing you had here in Tokyo?
Do you mean just one thing or a set of things? I think one of our more expensive meal was the dinner before our flight next day. It was at Chanko, where we had Nabe :9~~~ the dishes before was YUM too! (will talk about that in the next food entry :D) Me and husband not too keen on raw food so that may have contributed to the price too?
@Puppy-Chun: {Burp} Pardon me. Yikes, I think I just gained 1000 calories viewing these dishes! {Wipes saliva off keyboard.} Crystal-lie sugar-syrup thing, FTW!
Mmm the food all looks great!
ROFL you seriously replied to that puchi blurb that started on my blog here XD
Sounds reasonable for something intricate :D
Yeah, I know how it is. When you’re alone you just don’t bother and grab whatever’s cheap/convenient, but when with friends, you just want to splash and have fun:)
only? :P but considering japanese portions are relatively smaller compared to USA portions maybe ^^; the crystal sugar thing is decorative purpose me thinks ^^; the star is the little pastry at the bottom :P
they are! ^o^
Great blog, very nice pictures!
I hope I can visit Japan too. ^_^
uwa~~~ the food looksssss ssssoooooo goooooddddddd.
*p.s. i just had a real heavy lunch in Singapore. D: no fair, you’re making me hungry again. :(