Some art
Haven’t been drawing much these days ^^; do you peeps even remember I draw? lol
In this post are mainly some doodles to pack with the sewing I had been working on. I try to take quick photos of the sketches before I pack them in…
These artwork sketched in pencils, inked in pilot drawing pen, and then coloured with copic markers. I adjusted and tweaked a bit in photoshop before posting them here :)
I was reminded that my original characters are very neglected ^^; when I saw the adorable mascot character Radiantdreamer did for lovelyduckie, must think about and refresh/revive them sometime. ^^; As always there’s some backstory behind them and lots of ideas for some type of storyline, but for some reason I never got around fleshing them out ^o^;
Fan art of Yumiko Readman from Read or Die which I included with the set I recently finally finished :)
Nyuu! Yomiko looks kyuuuuuttto! Almost like Arale actually, lol. Now put a poo-shaped paper around her, lol.
pfffft :P lol
awww, I missed your drawings, and I still have to finsh read or die^^;
hehe thank you :) and I haven’t read it either lol maybe I should dig around and read it sometime :)
You do such lovely work with copic markers!
I was never any good with traditional mediums XD
Thank you :) I enjoy water colour too, but for some reason don’t paint with it enough ^^; I prefer natural medium to computer actually XD
Awww so cute X3
Really? How come? o:
I feel far more in control digitally especially with the undo tool XD
Oh not sure why, maybe too impatient to wait for the water colour to dry? LOL And I like natural medium because it’s great practice for precision since there’s no actual undo in real medium XD :P If really want to correct, can just scan in and tweak :P I find that sometimes after cleaning up in the computer the artwork loses some “life” ^^;
thank you!
You have a very nice style. I am like looking at your art “chun”, because they are so cute. ^ ^
Thank you :D
I see how DD Yoko relates with the first image lol.