Iphone app and ginkoyoshi.com
Had the pleasure to work with Ken (do see his blog entry for how the app came about) on an Iphone app called PapaMama ^o^!
PapaMama, live on iTunes Preview, and App Store, in English, 日本語 and 中文.
When me and husband beta tested the application, we felt that the app is good for coming up with our own picture cards to help us remember/practice our Japanese lol!
But of course my first set of custom cards for the final app are of Ginko and Yoshi, our furkids ^o^! Please check out their new blog at ginkoyoshi.com :)
You can record a voice clip and play it over by tapping each card ^^/
Thanks again Ken, it is a neat experience, and really cool to see how my artwork looks on an iphone/ipad app ^^
Please support the app and leave us feedback!