Thursday sketches
Finally an overdue entry for some sketches ^^; Our cat’s condition is still keeping us on our toes, so I barely have time to think about sketches, but I was at the shop yesterday and there were some slower moments so I sketched on and off. Here are 3 of them ^^/! My eyes (optical pair, just to clarify for those who are from dannychoo :P) had been really tired, and twitchy possibly from not enough rest =_=; Anyhows,
Below is a pencil sketch, with semi reference to one of my Mirai Yukino Dollfie dream photo I took recently :)
Click on image below to view full version ^^/
What was really amusing was that one of my friends saw my dollfie dream photos and she really loved L-Bust Mirai Yukino’s sexy curves! lol So I guess I kinda had her in mind when I drew the first couple sketches :P
Click on image below to view full version ^^/
A friend’s adorable blythe doll inspired the drawing below :)
Click on image below to view full version ^^/
Okie gotta get back to work, laters everyone!
Mmmmmmm. Notice more meat in your illustrations – dccom influence ^^;?
Danny kuku you think? LOL
ooo the second one is kinda nice. got this girl next door vibe to her ^^
Blythe dolls usually scare the living daylights out of me, but your drawing is cute. x3
The blythe drawing looks sweet. Can see the stress showing in your work. Hope things will let up some for you soon. I was reading your tweets and I’m glad that meowmeow is feeling better.
The second is my favorite.I like the slightly tilted head.
So MeowMeow is still in bad condition? Hope he gets better really,really soon.
I hope Meowmeow gets getter!
Regarding sketches, I love how curvy the first girl is *3*
@Pyoro thanks! I like drawing girls next door lol
@Coco the Bean hehe sorry they’re kinda like acquired taste — blythe dolls that is ^^/
@Edward :D I like blythe doll’s large head ^^; My work lookie rushed? lol eep! Things are still somewhat roller coastery with the cat being unwell but at least he’s eating! So that’s a good sign I guess :)
@Blowfish Thank you :D tilted head lookie shy? Thanks for your concern, Meow’s sometimes good sometimes bad so it’s all still somewhat stressful ;_; I hope he gets well soonest as well!
@Lene thank you! And lol glad U likeu :D:D
take a good rest whenever there’s time chun.
btw am wondering to myself how come i still see fuko instead of ranka? *puzzled*
@gordon I’ll try ^^; it’s difficult as I guess when I sleep I probably still have plenty in my mind so I can’t rest properly =_=; I see Ranka tho! ^^;
LOL i just noticed that all the girls have slightly tilted heads ^^;
I favor the second girl
Blowfish lol well I suppose if the head is kinda all looking forward it’ll feel kinda stiff? XD