Day trip to Victoria
Went to Victoria for a day trip, carpooled with friends early in the morning, took a 2 hour ferry, then another hour ish in a car…
Had a blast XD Luckily the weather was awesome despite a bit cold :)
Went to Victoria for a day trip, carpooled with friends early in the morning, took a 2 hour ferry, then another hour ish in a car…
Had a blast XD Luckily the weather was awesome despite a bit cold :)
Niko to pan o tabemashita! (Meat & Bread eaten!)
Had some visitors from Singapore was visiting Vancouver and I hung out with them a little :)
Oops realise I haven’t blogged here for a bit ^^; Time flies!
Have a bunch of food pix to document :3 along with some miscellaneous pix :)
Ran out of milk today, and decided to go a different way to buy a small pack of milk. Testing out Strida Mini again :3
Due to BlytheCon 2011 which happened last monday on the 20th June 2011, I had the chance to experience beautiful Portland in USA! Heartfelt thanks to the lovely Blythe people who made this trip possible! :)
It was my first time in Portland and I wasn’t sure what to expect, except I hear great things about it from people who visited it before :) I was very lucky that I had Jade (bluestarbaby on flickr/bluestardolls blog) who was able to take me around to places she had been to, and she was awesome to room and share food with :P
I dug out the clover seeds given to me years back (the seeds supposedly expired but they still work ^^; ) I have a black thumb… so I hope these guys make it :P
Beautiful day out today, really sunny some point in time, but rather cold due to the breeze — when I went out for a moment I felt like I was being blown away :P
Inspired by Danny’s drool inducing Japanese food post, I dug up some food pictures which hasn’t been posted :P
“Fight poison with poison?” (以毒攻毒!)