Strida Mini adventures 6 — Steveston findings

Went out to run some small errands, and managed to capture some interesting shots I think?

I think I just missed some filming which was going on, but I couldn’t resist taking photo of this huge green screen being propped up by a truck of sorts?

On my way to Steveston Village, two guys slowed down their car to asked me about Strida Mini, (the usual of where do I get it, how much is it, who made it etc…) I think I was a bit surprised so I may have mumbled some rubbish to them lol!

It was cold to cycle in the wind!  Also I feel the resistance, and it feels like the bike is going slower, I especially feel it when the ground is slightly going upwards lol!

But it was fun! :)

Discovered another mini “house” meant for kids, I almost trespassed unknowingly at first as this corner used to be something else rather than a child care facility.

I was taking some photos of my Dollfie Dream, Aki, and suddenly this came into sight, I was lucky I had my camera ready and could take a few shots! No idea what it was about tho lol!



6 replies
  1. Howie
    Howie says:

    Before clicking the post, from the preview pic, I thought you guys were making some serious video production there with the huge green screen

  2. chun
    chun says:

    lol Kam was telling me I should have leaned Strida mini ON the green screen but I was afraid of getting in trouble with the workers around :P

  3. yaku
    yaku says:

    Is that your bike? I always wanted to have that kind of small, collapsible (I’m assuming it’s collapsible) bikes instead of having the big ones. I got one of my wheels stolen =_= If it was small like that I could just take it inside my room.

  4. chun
    chun says:

    I was wondering if it was Yaku, was a bit concerned when I saw all caps LOL! Yes that’s my bike :D I had to get the Mini cos the standard my legs are too short for it =_=; and yes it’s collapsible :3

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