This MONTH has been pretty crazy so far, other than tons of personal errands, a wedding to attend, activities with out of town relatives etc etc etc, it was almost as if we’re trying to squeeze everything into the last bits of summer ^^; Here’s a back dated food related tumblr, view at own risk (esp if U’re hungry and there’s no access to food) you been warned ^^;
Not my puppy :P

On a non food abuse related note, Meow and me got into the feature video on! Won’t tell you which one is me lol! It was only a passing split second, Meowmeow was on for longer at the end ;P
And gasp, no CG last week?! Sorry was working on CDE’s work stuff whenever I could ^^;;; no time for personal art for now ^^; Blythe Charity sewing related auction has started, more information on :)

And if anything remotely close to doodling, I doodled a quick one for a girlfriend’s birthday last evening :3