Mirai flash doll fan art!
When I saw the new sketch by Yuko Azami sensei, I had to try my hand at colouring Mirai!
I ended up making a flash doll (well partly for practice with the flash coding, it is still a little bit messy– the coding that is ^^; ).
Be warned: the full picture has her panties showing, so it is probably not be safe for viewing at work! ^^;
Click the text links below to view:
Flash version / Still version
Also updated into Gallery page ^^
Original sketch by Azami sensei here (Panty warning as well!)
Okay gotta get some lunch and continue with other work, laters!
yummy! danny are u reading this! u got to feature this on your site! ^^;
and oh my, is that a dolphin?
yes that is an innocent little dolphin dechu….
i love it! i like the maid costume the most. i also like it when the mouse move over and click on her er… nevermind. ^^;
gordon LOLOLOL ecchi!