Hot summer day results completed ^^/

Happy Canada Day!
Actually had work most of today, but took a little time off to colour my hot summer day ;P

Currently the creation has been saved into Gallery page, but for now you can click on the image below to access the full image ^^/

And of course not to forget the full sized version of Gordonator‘s mascot, also saved onto the Fan art section of the Gallery page, but accessible via here for now ^^/

38 replies
  1. xJAYMANx
    xJAYMANx says:

    Simply, wow.

    I love the bold colors! (But I still love your spunky “funny hair girl” too, lol)… I’m getting more and more convinced you’re the one to hire! ^_^

  2. xJAYMANx
    xJAYMANx says:

    Simply, wow.

    I love the bold colors! (But I still love your spunky “funny hair girl” too, lol)… I’m getting more and more convinced you’re the one to hire! ^_^

  3. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    xjaymanx ah I had to think long and hard when you said funny hair girl then I remember miss croissant lol

    panther haha she actually does have legs right from the start, just that when I show previews I usually don’t show the full view ;D Also, I wanted blue sky so end up a lot less blue, went with purple instead ^^

    kintaro23 thank you :D

  4. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    xjaymanx ah I had to think long and hard when you said funny hair girl then I remember miss croissant lol

    panther haha she actually does have legs right from the start, just that when I show previews I usually don’t show the full view ;D Also, I wanted blue sky so end up a lot less blue, went with purple instead ^^

    kintaro23 thank you :D

  5. Koshiko
    Koshiko says:

    Argh~ makes me want to draw and colour, but no tablet pen yet u_u~ have to order it online but I’m a bit short on funds at the moment (better than buying a new tablet for the moment though).

    Goruko-chan (does Gordan’s mascot have a name?) looks like she has hidden support, lol. Nice colouring on the arms ^_^

    Lovely works Puppy~ (or do you prefer Chun? =o).

  6. Koshiko
    Koshiko says:

    Argh~ makes me want to draw and colour, but no tablet pen yet u_u~ have to order it online but I’m a bit short on funds at the moment (better than buying a new tablet for the moment though).

    Goruko-chan (does Gordan’s mascot have a name?) looks like she has hidden support, lol. Nice colouring on the arms ^_^

    Lovely works Puppy~ (or do you prefer Chun? =o).

  7. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    koshiko thanks for dropping by ^^ well the tablet is just a tool, I still draw with pencil/pen, sometimes if my scanner is on strike I take a photo of the image and go from there :P If not, the natural medium (example, water colour, acrylics, or even just pencil shading etc etc) is actually a lovely thing to use ^^

    Puppy or Chun either is fine :)

  8. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    koshiko thanks for dropping by ^^ well the tablet is just a tool, I still draw with pencil/pen, sometimes if my scanner is on strike I take a photo of the image and go from there :P If not, the natural medium (example, water colour, acrylics, or even just pencil shading etc etc) is actually a lovely thing to use ^^

    Puppy or Chun either is fine :)

  9. dackel03
    dackel03 says:

    Just stumbled across your Site via Danny^^

    Lovely Pic!
    The First Thing that comes to mind is if its a Capri…but i guess you dont have it over there and well capri isnt mango-flavored :D

    Even your sketches look awesome

    Im looking forward to your next pictures

  10. dackel03
    dackel03 says:

    Just stumbled across your Site via Danny^^

    Lovely Pic!
    The First Thing that comes to mind is if its a Capri…but i guess you dont have it over there and well capri isnt mango-flavored :D

    Even your sketches look awesome

    Im looking forward to your next pictures

  11. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:


    Thanks for dropping by! Hope you’ll come back when I have new updates in future :)
    What is Capri? Is it a brand of ice cream?

  12. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:


    Thanks for dropping by! Hope you’ll come back when I have new updates in future :)
    What is Capri? Is it a brand of ice cream?

  13. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    dackel03 oops sorry about that ^^; but well at least you’re able to post, I know someone who was telling me he couldn’t post on my blog at all :P but I don’t really want to allow anonymous postings cos my experience with that is just spam ^^;

  14. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    dackel03 oops sorry about that ^^; but well at least you’re able to post, I know someone who was telling me he couldn’t post on my blog at all :P but I don’t really want to allow anonymous postings cos my experience with that is just spam ^^;

  15. dackel03
    dackel03 says:

    No problem! Its your Blog and your Rules.Spam is by far worse then a complicated Comment system^^

    Just read that you think about giving away a Freebie sketch well add me to the Tombola!Would love to win the right to use one of the sketches

    So how do you actually draw these Pics? Drawing and scan them or everything with Wacom Tablet?

  16. dackel03
    dackel03 says:

    No problem! Its your Blog and your Rules.Spam is by far worse then a complicated Comment system^^

    Just read that you think about giving away a Freebie sketch well add me to the Tombola!Would love to win the right to use one of the sketches

    So how do you actually draw these Pics? Drawing and scan them or everything with Wacom Tablet?

  17. Koshiko
    Koshiko says:

    I already have a tablet actually… but my brother broke the pen a while ago and I’ve been putting off any ‘real attempts’ at artwork because of it.
    Drawing straight on the computer is just a lot easier even though I can draw just as well with pencil and paper, but the scanner’s in my bro’s room… too troublesome, lol.

    Thanks for the photo idea though, might use it in future =D

  18. Koshiko
    Koshiko says:

    I already have a tablet actually… but my brother broke the pen a while ago and I’ve been putting off any ‘real attempts’ at artwork because of it.
    Drawing straight on the computer is just a lot easier even though I can draw just as well with pencil and paper, but the scanner’s in my bro’s room… too troublesome, lol.

    Thanks for the photo idea though, might use it in future =D

  19. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    dackel03 and woah I didn’t realise when I say a freebie sketch meant it meant giving up rights to use it :P but I’m glad you brought it up, something to think about I guess ^^;
    I prefer to draw them on paper, scan then either colour or trace again before colouring in computer ^^ Occassionally I like colouring in natural mediums as well :)

    koshiko ah I see I see, sharing recourses can be a little bit trouble some at times lol I have 2 sisters so I know :P and good luck ^^/

  20. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    dackel03 and woah I didn’t realise when I say a freebie sketch meant it meant giving up rights to use it :P but I’m glad you brought it up, something to think about I guess ^^;
    I prefer to draw them on paper, scan then either colour or trace again before colouring in computer ^^ Occassionally I like colouring in natural mediums as well :)

    koshiko ah I see I see, sharing recourses can be a little bit trouble some at times lol I have 2 sisters so I know :P and good luck ^^/

  21. dackel03
    dackel03 says:

    Id be fine with the right to use one^^ Maybe ill be lucky hehe

    Whats the common method these days?
    Scan,Trace and color or doing everything with the PC?

  22. dackel03
    dackel03 says:

    Id be fine with the right to use one^^ Maybe ill be lucky hehe

    Whats the common method these days?
    Scan,Trace and color or doing everything with the PC?

  23. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    dackel03 well no offense, I wouldn’t totally be LOL
    Cos I don’t really want it to get around that I give free art out just for any kind of usage, so I gotta really think about it or have some restrictions for the usage :P

    and the methods vary from artist to artist ^^

  24. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    dackel03 well no offense, I wouldn’t totally be LOL
    Cos I don’t really want it to get around that I give free art out just for any kind of usage, so I gotta really think about it or have some restrictions for the usage :P

    and the methods vary from artist to artist ^^

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