Got Moo? Work in progress ^^

So earlier this morning I had an idea which I put on paper, and just continued to ink in Sai, etc.
I’ll post the final art next year — which is coming very soon! Time sure flies huh o_o;

Pencil sketchu scanned…

“Inked” in Sai, using Pen tool and Airbrush tool with customised settings…

Stay tuned for the final coloured art ^^!

24 replies
  1. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    Pyoro lol next year’s the year of the Ox/cow and what not so… lol

    Edward :D:D thank you! ^O^ Hope U like the coloured version!

  2. puppy52doll
    puppy52doll says:

    Pyoro lol next year’s the year of the Ox/cow and what not so… lol

    Edward :D:D thank you! ^O^ Hope U like the coloured version!

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