
Merry Christmas 2011!

A quick Christmas art ^^;

This year I was a bit behind ^^;>

Hope everyone have a wonderful Christmas and Happy 2012!!!

Dressing up Mascots

Before I left for Japan, (I’m back now, with a ton of photos to sort out, jet lag etc… ^^;) had the pleasure of drawing santa outfits for a couple different poses on Jlist’s mascot Megumi chan <3 Please note I did not draw the actual mascot ^^/ Just the santa outfit for 2 poses :3 (safe for work) / (have adult content ^^;)

Also managed to squeeze some work for Danny before we made our way to our trip… (under the cut :P)

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Culture Japan

Very honored to be credited for my small work in culture japan X3! Got kind permission from Danny to post about the credit LOL!

Mirai in her Retrograde Suit illustrated by Square Enix lead designer Skan Srisuwan. Of course the main bulk of the entire work was done by Skan Srisuwan san, I just did some editing to Mirai’s face ^^;> For more info and larger images on Mirai Millennium check out Danny’s post :)

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Doodle documentation

A lot of the drawings I recently make are little artwork which I try to include in packages I ship out to people who bought my sewing… I am actually not sure if I can do this long term — as in drawing something for each package, it slows down the packing process a lot too… *rubs chin* but we shall see ^^;

It does make me happy when people actually like my artwork. Below is a couple artwork which Alvin and Yu chan laminated and showed me in a photo ^o^

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Commission work – Murasaki chan

Have not post much art recently, but recently I had the great pleasure of doing this piece of commission art by Vedrana to create Murasaki chan for her ^O^ blog

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Long time no doodle

I suspect people forget that I draw these days, I hardly had time to draw for leisure these days lol, added the larger version to Gallery

Pink hair girls are so cute :3

ETA: end of a rainbow sighting ^o^! Read more

Happy Puppy Stickers and Buttons

Bought some stickers during zazzle’s promotion, and found the stickers not bad, so am posting some up for sale on the zazzle shop ^^;/ the buttons are a bit bigger than the ones I ordered locally tho.

Think I want to try to order a puppy mug in future muhuhu

Photo editing

As you may have seen by now, I made a Taiga Mk II Kinda miss the smirking face, so decided to play around in photoshop for a bit since I am not sure when I’ll work on another head ^^; Below, I photoshopped a smirk, what do you think?

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Happy Valentine’s Day 2011!

Quick doodle for Valentine’s :) Maid Aki chan also wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s! ^o^

Happy Valentine's Day 2011!

Quick doodle for Valentine’s :) Maid Aki chan also wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s! ^o^