Entries by chun

George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary

On a cold winter afternoon after our Japanese class, my husband decided to take us to George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary, see his take on the trip here. Jade came along with us as well and exercised her extraordinary animal photography skills :3

Bird watch continues…

So the bird watch continues, I try not to be by the window too much so as not to scare the birds off ^^; There’s actually other types of birds which comes by but they tend to fly off way faster than Chickadees… I think the bird on the lower branch could be a white crowned […]

Happy 2013!

Wine and cheese party to send off 2013!! Happy new year everyone! Usually year end is a busy busy time with family and friends, lots of cooking and cleaning lol!

Merry Christmas 2012 with Stuffing Stockers!

Wishing all of you a wonderful Christmas with awesome stuffing stockers ;P Ginko and Yoshi also wishes all of you a Wonderful Holiday Season ^o^! My husband’s Vancouver Christmas Market post has plenty of lovely photos, he has also been updating his site with some backdated photos ^^/!

Cheeky Chickadees

Photos in this post are taken on different days, after we got some seeds and bird feeder and I did some home work on the internet to see how to attract these guys…  Currently our main downfall is that our cats Ginko and Yoshi are a bit too interested whenever they spy the Chickadee(s) checking out […]

Clear Winter day

I biked out for an errand last Wednesday, it turned out lovely after the grey looming clouds in the morning was blown away.  It was still really cold out, I had to wear two hats under my helmet, gloves and wind breaker under two layers of clothing to bike out on my Strida Mini, but […]

Fujiwara Yukino standie

Click picture below for a larger view ^o^/ My mascot puppy jumped into the standie for some reason ^^; My friend’s dollfie dream Yu chann, with my artwork of her is made into a standie… She looks like she’s interviewing the SAO standies here~ ^^; my puppy mascot jumped in like a photo bomber ^^; […]

Fujiwara Yukino

Another illustration documentation ^^/ Some of you may have already seen Yu chann at AFA Singapore~! Here is Yu chann in an Autumn setting in Vancouver lol Click image below for a larger picture ^^/ Hope everyone is having a blast at AFA Singapore! ^o^/

Illustration documentation

Worked on some illustrations for Steven Nagata san a long while back ^^; I think I came back from Japan last year, (and after destroying the poor LX3’s LCD screen on the first day of the trip) I took a lot less pictures =_= until I got the iphone 4S ^^; Which is your favorite? […]