Birth of and more!
Welcome to!
To all those who had kindly linked to me prior, please kindly update the URL to and here’s the RSS feed if you prefer :)
After having been on for the longest time – I must thank my friend for kindly hosting all these years and is still generously continuing to do so :)
The old site will still be online while I slowly migrate the information accumulated over the years over here ^^;/! So please bear with me if any links and such appears broken.
The gallery has been partially uploaded, I still have some more to update (including the one above), and gotta figure out how to effectively display the few flash dolls I have on site :)
I cannot remember exactly when we decided to move over (Maybe about a couple weeks ago?), I must thank my dear husband for helping me out with all the stuff which I have no idea how to handle (coding, database etc etc), without him I don’t think this is possible. ^^/
My doll site has also moved, now it is at (With an extra “s”) in the URL. So now you know why I have been MIA on my old sites :P
Thanks again for popping by, I hope you will enjoy the content for many more years to come!
I have updated my links right now. I’d hate to miss out on your updates because I forgot to change them.
Cute migratory bird :3
Grats on your migration! ^^
Hey Puppy~ Congrats on the move to a new domain and wordpress~! I’ll be sure to update the link on my blog :3
Good luck with migrating and fixing broken links and such~ If you need any help please feel free to ask x3
Congrats on getting your own host Chun, and moving to WP at that. It will be more enjoyable I am sure, for you, and easier, to update on WP. :)
am i the first one to comment on your new blog? :D
Thank you Aquilla YuKi-To Koshiko Panther and Gordon!
I still gotta figure out this comment setting thingie lol! Now I got to moderate and approve before everyone can see their comments (oops) Hope all of you continue to enjoy this page! :)
@Puppy-Chun: Moving? WordPress? Aww, I thought u were already on WP. ^_^; Good luck on the full move… Updating links shortly! >_<
congrats on the migration! (^3^)v
A new year, a new site, it’s so refreshing!
Well I have my hubs to thank for this one ^^; If he didn’t decide to take some precious time to help me out, I probably will continue to use my buggy blogger :P
Ooh, you migrated over to WordPress, too! Congratulations on the new move~ Here’s to more Chun arts! :D
Hehe thanks for coming by! It’d be a while before everything is in order ^^; but definitely will post more art in near future! :3
@Puppy-Chun: Haha, everyone’s doing the WordPress hustle, lol. In fact, just today, I auto-updated my 2.6 to 2.7 in fifteen minutes. Gonna post about it this weekend, lol. ^_^
so is there any changes in the updates? I guess you’ll write about it then lol
LOL, I only just noticed you had switched to wordpress after reading the other comments. I’m so blind.
Aquilla hehehe no worries! I’m still trying to figure out wordpress myself ^^; lots to get used to ^^;
@Puppy-Chun: Yeah, the biggest improvement from 2.6 to 2.7 is the Admin GUI. So posting and editing is much simpler. Less clicks, more convenient. And looking at your page source, u already have 2.7. So no worries, lol. Welcome to! ^_^
Congrats on you’re move to new domain. Lol, you’re not the only one trying to figure out wordpress. everytime I log in I learn something new. ^^
xJayx oooh I see lol I still find some things I need to look for on the side bar, but I guess it was probably easier than when I first found out about wordpress(.com)
rangerroh thanks! And that’s good :) For me sometimes if I try too much funny stuff I break stuff =_=;
Glad that you switched to wordpress. But I missed your old theme on your old blog…
Thanks for coming by! I hope the hubs will have time to help me figure out some of the stuff I want to migrate over ^^;
Oops, I am two days late, but congrats on your move! o/
Keep it up with the great artwork :D
Congratulations on the move to WordPress chun! I’m sure you will find it a lot easier to use. We are all with you chun while you learn WordPress…
@Mizunaga thanks again for coming by! :D:D
@Edward *grin* well it needs a little getting use to but I’m so glad I have a chance to do so thanks to hubs big help :)
Darn, this is kinda late but congrats on getting your own host Chun.. ^^
Yup, you will surely love WordPress.. And I hope to see more great artworks by you.. xD
Congrats on the move!
yay, wordpress! Commenting is a lot easier now. xD
Fariz Asuka heh thanks! :) Artwork is easy, more like migrating content and making everything work is the tricky bit XD
Coco the Bean thanks! :D glad commenting is easier for you peeps now ^^
congrats on the move to WP. :D glad you did the move. Blogger platform loads too slow for today’s standard.
pp thanks! ^^ well Blogger was free and relatively easy to use lol and kinda served my purpose for a while :)