Maridah Saber fan art
/6 Comments/in art, Fan art, Gallery/by chun…with a twist! (click image below for larger art)
I’ve always wanted to draw a fan art of Maridah san, my most favorite Saber cosplayer (EVER) lol and when she talked about wanting to get a necomimi…. I HAD TO DO IT!!! LOL (in between other stuff, like laundry and housework etc ^^;) I did it rather quickly so some of the details like hair and clothes are not very refined, but I think I am quite happy with this piece of art despite it being somewhat rushed :P
I will put this into my gallery later ^^/ Thanks for looking!
ALSO, for those who want a Waffle the cat or Happy puppy zazzle teeshirt, Zazzle is having a 50% off their teeshirt until tomorrow! :)
Happy Easter!
/4 Comments/in art, blog/by chunHappy Easter :D Hehe We had some white eggs so I managed to save a couple egg shells when I was cooking, used the better one to make this art below XD
Happy Puppy
/2 Comments/in art, blog/by chunHappy puppy now on teeshirts
/4 Comments/in blog, Zazzle/by chunI recently ordered a kid size tee in large from zazzle for myself to replace a teeshirt which was getting worn out ^^; I found the quality was okay on the white teeshirt so I decided to post a couple teeshirts up using the Happy puppy image I used for buttons and stickers on my zazzle ^^
Adult size (modeled by a cute lady!)
Muhaha ^^;
Doodle documentation
/4 Comments/in art/by chunA lot of the drawings I recently make are little artwork which I try to include in packages I ship out to people who bought my sewing… I am actually not sure if I can do this long term — as in drawing something for each package, it slows down the packing process a lot too… *rubs chin* but we shall see ^^;
It does make me happy when people actually like my artwork. Below is a couple artwork which Alvin and Yu chan laminated and showed me in a photo ^o^
Long time no doodle
/4 Comments/in art, blog, Gallery/by chunHappy Puppy Stickers and Buttons
/in art, blog, Zazzle/by chunBought some stickers during zazzle’s promotion, and found the stickers not bad, so am posting some up for sale on the zazzle shop ^^;/ the buttons are a bit bigger than the ones I ordered locally tho.
Think I want to try to order a puppy mug in future muhuhu
puppy52 buttons
/16 Comments/in art/by chunButtons came in the mail today! Woohoo! First thing which came to mind when I see these = Happy Puppy buttons… lol