Happy Easter :D
/2 Comments/in art, blog, Gallery, mascot, chunDanny indirectly reminded me that I have been neglecting my mascots lol so brought them out to wish everyone a quick easter holiday ;)
The puppy52dolls blog has been a bit more active ^^; Gotta prep lunch, so bbl~!
BBlue with Pie ^O^
/9 Comments/in art, blog/by chunIt’s snowing and snowing and snowing ^^; So this morning I stayed in bed and doodled with Sai and my bamboo tablet ^^; background and text done in photoshop – just because it’s faster to do it in photoshop lol!
Hope you like? I want to colour this but I actually need to get ready to go out (brrrrrrr) ^^;
Tumblring food abuse
/2 Comments/in blog, Food/by chunThis is not good ^^;;;;;
Do not look if U hungree late at night with no food in kitchen, you be warned!
Added a new top for Babyblue flash ^^/ (hit refresh if U still see the previous version)
Baby Blue in flash
/in art/by chun*Moving some posts I have cached into fire fox over :3
Had an idea for a while now, worked on it little by little — can you notice something new on your right hand side? Babyblue got the most votes so I create her first ^^
I’ll be adding things/fine tuning her over time as I am rather busy with work these days (wah!) But I hope you like her ;P You’ll need flash player on your browser to see her ^^; Otherwise, here is a still image of Babyblue :3 I will eventually add her to Gallery page.
8 Comments (from before)
Baby Blue art completed
/in Gallery/by chun*Moving some posts I have cached into fire fox over :3
Was supposed to go out but there was some change of plans, so here I am doing some work and also finishing up the Babyblue artwork :3 Full view version is currently available via clicking on image below
9 Comments (from before)
Baby Blue art cleaned up
/in art/by chun*Moving some posts I have cached into fire fox over :3
Phew, another long week of flurry of busy-ness, managed to squeeze in some time to clean up Bblue’s line art with Sai, should be hopefully colouring it in between work over the week (I hope)!
The initial line art, unfortunately have a buncha broken lines after scanning in higher resolution, so I was quite busy smoothing out the lines with Sai. I’m so glad Sai is a relatively small program and very easy to use for this purpose ^^! You probably can tell some differences in the comparison image above :3 Bblue is in the lead at the moment LOL! Thanks for participating in the voting!
Ahmin is kinda sad that she’s last in line, I suspect it was because people may be concern that she is a “trap” but she’s 100% girl okay! :P
I am aware of some of the feedback about my gallery and I’ll be thinking about how to improve it over time, thank you for coming back and supporting this messy little gallery tho :) I think I may try to put some of the labels (example Fan art) on the side, to hopefully make it a bit easier for people who prefer to look at a bigger thumbnails with some ramblings with related blog posts ^^/
Which sections do you check out when you come here? Please comment if you will ^^!
4 Comments (from before)