
Flash doll Andrica, now on!

I had worked on Andrica for a little while now, and with some help from coding elves (LOL), I am glad she is finally completed and up live on cartoondollemporium :D

You can change her clothing, decide her hair colour, show/hide little companions next to her, write creative dialogues for them and save a jpg capture of your final creation onto your desktop :) Hope you like her as much as I do!

I will eventually update her into the Gallery :)

Puli animated flash doll

Just practicing making these flash dollies ^^ what better excuse to do a fan art of Saka‘s cute mascot :3

a bigger version of the test art in Sai is now in Gallery page ^^/

Uchi doll wishes you all Happy easter!

What are you waiting for? Go play with Uchi XD
I’ll try to add more stuff to him in future :3

twitter and tumblr links are also updated into Artist page ^^/
Okie back to work ^^;

Flash doll now animated!

The flash doll I made a while back is now lightly animated, she blinks once in a while, and you can see that she has a few more extra clothing :) I also animated the background a little with an idea brewing in my head for a while now, I hope you like the changes made so far!

Link to the doll in gallery is just updated :3 clicking on the image below takes you directly to the flash doll page ^^/