Entries by chun

tumblr and twitter

Recently discovered tumblr and I knew of twitter for a while now… Sooooo anyhows, tumblr will be my online scrapbook of sorts, gonna be putting most of my non art related stuff there, like cooking, photos maybe an occasional rambling. Have already copied a few posts there ^^ As for twitter, I’m currently following a […]

Nodame Cantabile and Shinichi Chiaki fan art

Mugyaaaa!!!!!! Scanner not working properly ^^; so took a picture of the art and edited a bit in photoshop ^^;Nodame Cantabile is one of my favourite anime ever watched last year XD! It’s so funny and uplifting ^^! I’m mucking around with some more flash related stuff hope to update progress eventually ^^/

Flash doll now animated!

The flash doll I made a while back is now lightly animated, she blinks once in a while, and you can see that she has a few more extra clothing :) I also animated the background a little with an idea brewing in my head for a while now, I hope you like the changes […]

Old art revisited in progress

Messed around with some effects on photoshop :3 Rather basic effects, as you probably can tell :P Haven’t decide what colour shall her hair be… pink? also gotta decide on her clothing colour too… decisious decisions. Maybe I’ll mull over it this weekend :)

Old art revisited

I was sorting out some artwork and found a few which I really liked but never got around colouring. Today managed to take some time to work on it in between some work :3 This inked drawing is most likely drawn in 2002, I forgot to date it after I finished inking it (oops) In […]

Maid art completed!

To see a larger version please check Gallery.For some reason viewing on firefox seem to make my art appear a bit washed out ^^; Non related: Added selective adorable Amazon products I came across, on the side of blog, just messing around (and they are so cuuute! LOL)

Maid ink completed

Had a chance to work on a bit more inking ^O^! So it is now 99% completed! Will be trying to do some colouring and fixing up some details when I have a chance to :3

Maid ink in progress

Don’t want to destroy the pencil sketch so end up “inking” in photoshop ^^ using trusty 4 by 6 inch hand me down wacom tablet XD! Still a lot to go, may just take my time to finish it, ^^