Shop sketches…
So yesterday I was working at the shop again, so I had some time to sketch a bit ^^
I’ll feature my favourite of the three at the top :P Dunno why I got this idea LOL the triangle mouth was drawn after I couldn’t decide on the mouth ^^; the SD on the side could be better lol but the idea is there :P
Anyhows, yes another Ranka Lee fan art (LOL) I didn’t have reference to the bottom part of her dress, so I improvised :P
I wonder if I am a closet Ranka Lee fan in denial? :P
I tried to draw Sheryl too but I made her look horrible, so I not showing :P
I walked to work cos I missed the bus (oops)
and walked passed this visual (well from memory) I suppose if I painted it or shaded a bit more it’d look less flat :P And yes I do draw (try to) other stuff other than girls ^^