Happy Niu Year!
Happy Niu Year!
Sorry a little late as the festivities usually = busy time ^^; Anyways if you don’t know already, the chinese new year usually means we’re supposed to celebrate 15 days by visiting relatives and such. Married folks will give unmarried folks (kids usually) red-packets etc etc… ^^; To see the full image, just click on image below, I will update it into the gallery later ^^/
I had already coloured the Mirai image in the last couple of entries, it would be a little strange to go backwards to demonstrate colouring. So I will use this Niu Year image above to roughly demonstrate how I colour a quick CG :)
Please take note tho, this is only one of the many many ways we can colour using the computer, and it is not a set in stone method, and I may be going a little too fast as well, so please bear with me ^^;/