
Curious to know

1) What do you notice first when you see this sketch below?
2) Which girl U prefer? :P

Small update about puppy clock status: Hmmm I haven’t figured out how to make it work on wordpress so may eventually just put something which will work on blogger (Like mine) later on ^^; Sorry for the wait ^^;
ok back to work ^^;

Shop sketches…

So yesterday I was working at the shop again, so I had some time to sketch a bit ^^

I’ll feature my favourite of the three at the top :P  Dunno why I got this idea LOL the triangle mouth was drawn after I couldn’t decide on the mouth ^^; the SD on the side could be better lol but the idea is there :P

Anyhows, yes another Ranka Lee fan art (LOL) I didn’t have reference to the bottom part of her dress, so I improvised :P
I wonder if I am a closet Ranka Lee fan in denial? :P
I tried to draw Sheryl too but I made her look horrible, so I not showing :P

I walked to work cos I missed the bus (oops)
and walked passed this visual (well from memory) I suppose if I painted it or shaded a bit more it’d look less flat :P And yes I do draw (try to) other stuff other than girls ^^


Couple doodles from last friday (while working at the shop)
Colour adjusted in photoshop ^^

And tumblred about non art related stuff :)
I hope to have some time to do a bit of homework on how to let people get the puppy clock before I post anything more on it, so kindly be patient if you’re interested! :)

Sketches post…

Sorry for being MIA for a few days ^^; Had been kinda under the weather over the weekend :( and was busy with work last week =_=;

Quickly scanned 3 doodles to post ^^ I forgot to date this one, so not sure when did I sketched it (oops) but yes another Ranka Lee sketchu desu. ^^; While I’m not the biggest fan of her I do like her outfits in the anime :3

A girl with cake, and a nurse with syringe ^^;;;;

Haruhi commands you to check out Summer report on tumblr :P

Boy and girl in progress

Hmmm this week was pretty much whipped to finish some work, so didn’t really have time to draw much, today took a little time off, cleaned up one of the simpler line art from the previous post, and started colouring a bit :P Doesn’t look too bad in this mode no?

I also sketched roughly and quickly a couple fan arts, not scanned yet tho ^^; maybe eventually :P

No internet for half a day

…resulted in buncha sketches! lol
so the first one… guess who? Ok I’m really not that cute but who doesn’t look cute in SD mode?

I really like how this 2nd featured image turned out, I hope I will get around colouring her, I even have a background in mind ^^! I’m not sure if anyone ever knew of my first ever website lol it was hosted on pacificnet (LOL)! And the first image I posted for that website was a kentauride (female Centaur), so it feels kinda nostalgic :)

I know I rarely draw guys, the character at the bottom left corner of this last image is supposed to be one… lol

Without the internet, sketching is a nice way to distract myself during the slower hours at the shop ^^ I drew more than just these actually, but I picked those I like more to scan :)

Freebies anyone? Eerr something like that ^^;

Was talking to a few peeps about giving out stuff (yes you did not read wrongly) on my site, sorry it probably won’t be figures ^^; I don’t get figures for free (like a certain someone *cough* lol)

Things cost a lot more here than in Asia, and shipping on top of it just makes it not very worth while =_=; I’m not earning a lot (yet), sad to say lol
If anything it might be a publication included an original sketch (or something)… any interests? May put it as a lucky draw or contest :P Comments are welcome ^^/

Also, I must apologize for the lack of artwork these days, just been too busy ^^;

Yesterday I work at a friend’s shop (just helping out) when I do that I try to do some sketching between the slower hours (other than terrorizing …among other things ^^; )

I present to you, BabyBlue in bikini ^^

Three girls going shopping on a nice summer day (today’s weather is so not summer :P) I guess the girl with her hair down is BBlue also ;)

A random girl came into the shop last week, I really liked how her hair fall around her face and shoulders, so I drew this :) she was quite a pretty girl too :P

Updated a couple links at my Links page ^^;/ I need to do some anchors soon since the links page is growing again ^^;;;;

Mini meet

*Moving some posts I have cached into fire fox over :3

Hung out with a talented friend for a few hours, some details tumblred :3

Emmi sketched me browsing magazine, I sketched her back kinda below the URL I wanted her to check out LOL before I forget, Emmi take fabulous pix too :D here’s her flickr ^^

4 Comments (from before)

Seeing Red

Red thanks all those who voted for her by forcing me to post this artwork (quickly done, and not full size ^^;) before the long weekend :P

Quick sketch of a memory

One of my husband’s favorite past time is to reorganize and optimize our living/working space(s). That was what we did yesterday on a grey and rainy afternoon (after bringing some stuff to recycle and donate). So this was my sewing corner, the “before” state — forgot to take a photo before moving things around LOL so did a quick doodle.

Curious to see the current look? It is on tumblr :)