Was talking to a few peeps about giving out stuff (yes you did not read wrongly) on my site, sorry it probably won’t be figures ^^; I don’t get figures for free (like a certain someone *cough* lol)
Things cost a lot more here than in Asia, and shipping on top of it just makes it not very worth while =_=; I’m not earning a lot (yet), sad to say lol
If anything it might be a publication included an original sketch (or something)… any interests? May put it as a lucky draw or contest :P Comments are welcome ^^/
Also, I must apologize for the lack of artwork these days, just been too busy ^^;
Yesterday I work at a friend’s shop (just helping out) when I do that I try to do some sketching between the slower hours (other than terrorizing dannychoo.com …among other things ^^; )
I present to you, BabyBlue in bikini ^^
Three girls going shopping on a nice summer day (today’s weather is so not summer :P) I guess the girl with her hair down is BBlue also ;)
A random girl came into the shop last week, I really liked how her hair fall around her face and shoulders, so I drew this :) she was quite a pretty girl too :P
Updated a couple links at my Links page ^^;/ I need to do some anchors soon since the links page is growing again ^^;;;;