tumblr and twitter

Recently discovered tumblr and I knew of twitter for a while now… Sooooo anyhows, tumblr will be my online scrapbook of sorts, gonna be putting most of my non art related stuff there, like cooking, photos maybe an occasional rambling. Have already copied a few posts there ^^

As for twitter, I’m currently following a handful of people at the moment and I guess once in a while (maybe a bit too often) I do have some random outbursts as to what I am doing at some moments in time :P LOL and I guess I should try to remember to twit on it when I have updates here and stuff ^^;

My tumblr and twitter I’ll probably have a link somewhere in the Artist page sometime, or maybe on the side…. Decisions decisions…

Fresh from the kitchen :)

One of my favourite activities is food related which includes cooking and eating LOL, gonna try having some food related entries :P (unless there’s violent objections!)

The top crust became like this cos I made the crust portion too thin ^^;

Took the crust portion and some of the instructions from here. The bun part, I used my favorite bread machine recipe and let bread machine make the dough :)

The serving for the bun dough was for more than 5 buns of course, so I used the rest for a pizza, which I will talk about a bit more later on ;)

Inspirational people – cutewithchris.com

All your dreams are… Alive!

I was checking out some links I check every other day (Sometimes everyday or hour :P) and I noticed that Chris was doing a wrap up on his recent Live show. I watched it and felt like I was so moved I could cry. Chris owns cutewithchris.com on the internet and he posts movie clips he produces by himself every monday.

Chris’ regular weekly shows are not usually so “documentary”, they’re mostly entertaining and humorous in a slightly twisted manner, filled with cuteness and sometimes (if not all the time) drips with sarcasm and also includes a plastic horse or 2 for laughs ;D (okay and some hot people here and there too)

You probably would think that short clip each week is probably easy to make. But trust me it is not, having been in hours of recording to make 10 minutes clips before, I know Chris definitely puts effort to make it happen almost every monday possibly with his precious weekends, who knows possibly weekdays too, when a lot of people probably just want to relax and enjoy themselves.

I had the sheer luck to run into him in person May of 2007 when I was out on a small blythedoll meeting, and since he actually asked about our dolls that brave man (LOL)! I thought he looked familiar, and realized that he is Chris from cutewithchris.com (what a small world!) Funny thing was, I actually had came across his site ages ago when he (randomly?) added me on myspace — possibly kinda like “handing out free tickets” to watch his show. I guess his shows had made an impression because it was pretty quirky and unique and I tend to remember faces :P

The point of this post is? Go check out cutewithchris.com! I would like to help hand out some “free tickets” to his online shows!

Blog moved to main page

Moved the blog onto puppy52.com now, hopefully everything works properly! *fingers crossed*

For dolls related stuff you can still access at puppy52doll.com ^O^!

Gallery updated with Haruhi fan art

Gallery updated with a Haruhi Suzumiya fan art (with an inside joke) :P

Couple more links added in Links page!

New look and blog!

Finally! I got around modifying puppy52.com a little, I hope I did not make too many mistakes, and that you like the new look! My previous site design’s html coding was a huge mess, so in a way it is spring cleaning for 2008!

Changes made thus far:
– Blog added, this section will be to announce news and updates and random stuff :P
– Redid the overall look of the main pages.
– Navigation bar is now on the right hand side.
– Links will mostly be just my friends and some personal favorites for now, as I do not have time to manage a large link database.